68/4 Werombi Road, Mount Colah NSW 2079 - Apartment For Sale

Renting Price

USD 2,640 (Monthly)
Penthouse Apartment | 3 Bedroom + Study

DISCLAIMER** Images used are for marketing purposes and reflect similar to but not the exact available apartment.

Please access from 530-532 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, MOUNT COLAH

Oversized 3 bedroom penthouse mezzanine offering entertaining terraces/balcony. Quality selections and inclusions throughout with neutral palette and designed to capture light and the landscaped garden/district views.

apartment for rent, would be a great investment!

bedroom: 3
bathroom: 2
Bedroom 3
Bathroom 2
Air Conditioning
Area Views
Built-In Wardrobes
Close to Transport
Close to Shops
Close to Schools
Car Parking - Basement
Security System
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